Introducing: Our refreshed brand guidelines site
A digital home for all our brand guidelines, that serves as both a super-functional resource and a celebration of our Design team’s creativity, craft, and commitment to pushing boundaries.
Written by Liana Dumitru — Photograph by Calvin Rocchio, Lexi Visco, and Gabrielle Matte
September 3, 2019
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“Of course I can learn Framer! I’ll do it in two weeks!” I thought to myself as someone talked about the code-based prototyping tool. Not only do I have some experience with front-end coding, but I also have the kind of self-delusion that helps me do things like this. “Even better,” I pep talked to myself, “I’ll learn it all by myself!”
And I did. I took online classes, tried making a prototype, failed, got frustrated, and took more classes until I learned it, all by myself. And I was quite happy with my small victory. That is, until a colleague told me, “I’m learning Framer, too, from Ryhan, and it’s super fun.” That couldn’t be right. Satisfying? Yes. Fun? No, learning Framer wasn’t fun for me. And then it dawned on me: I had learned by myself. She was learning from someone. Being able to ask questions, be frustrated, make jokes, or get feedback is fun. Having a mentor is incredibly useful, and pretty fun, too.
That’s about the time I started thinking about mentorship. I started digging into what mentorship is, and what it means to help someone as they’re trying to grow their skills and further their career.
Having support as you’re developing professionally is hardly a new idea, especially in what’s considered creative or craft fields. For thousands of years, going back all the way to the Babylonian Code of Hammurabi or to the 13th century European Craft Guilds, people have been codifying ways of spreading knowledge from those experienced to newcomers. Hammurabi might not have cared about Framer, but he certainly cared about how young apprentices could learn from well-trained masters.
Why did people feel the need to set principles, and even make laws about this? If you zoom out enough, the answer becomes intuitive. Creating systems at scale for developing mentorship relationships can positively impact knowledge transfer, thus increasing progress velocity.
But what’s even more interesting to me is what motivates people at an individual level. What makes a person seek repeated professional guidance? Even less clear, why would someone commit to giving that guidance?
So creating a good setup for mentorship simply makes sense (Turns out Hammurabi knew a thing or two!). In an organization like Dropbox, mentorship can happen naturally as people get to know each other. But, after I realized how impactful mentorship can be, I and Sara Lin, one of my work friends, decided to create a formal design mentorship program at Dropbox.
Actually, it wasn’t as simple as we decided and then it just happened. Before creating the program, we decided to talk to people at Dropbox to understand if (and when) they needed mentorship.
Wait, but… what is mentorship?
As we kicked off our research, I was interviewing a fellow designer, when I got blindsided with the most basic question: What is mentorship? Is it teaching? Is it like managing? Does being a mentor mean being a role model? Is it advising someone?
I had no clue how to answer. And with good reason—turns out there is no straightforward answer. The concept of “mentor” has a pretty complicated history, with origins in the work of the Greek author Homer. In The Odyssey, Mentor was a trusted friend of Odysseus, the king of Ithaca. Mentor was the one who advised Odysseus’s son, training him to take over family responsibilities. So, broadly speaking, __mentorship can be defined as a sustained process of teaching, advising, and helping a less-experienced person, so that they make progress towards their goals.
Mentorship-related problems in organizations
After we interviewed designers, researchers, and writers about their mentorship experiences, we uncovered several pain points, both for mentors and mentees.
Principles for mentorship
As we were synthesizing our research, it became clear that mentorship grows like any other meaningful relationship. So good mentorship programs should follow three core principles:
While both Sara and I are super excited about mentorship, when time came to actually do the program, we found ourselves sitting in a meeting room thinking, “OK, now what?” Here are a few practical aspects that made a difference for us in creating a successful mentorship program.
Work with a clear, shared framework
One of the most important things in a mentorship program is having everyone speak the same language when it comes to what they want to learn or teach. Defining a framework up front is incredibly important and will make everything easier down the line:
How do you define a shared framework?
Your company’s career framework is a great tool to use. We use the Dropbox design career framework. We have categories you can mentor on, like prototyping or product thinking. Since your company’s framework is available for everyone to see, it ensures consistency and transparency.
Match people based on growth areas and strengths
With a clear, shared framework, it should be fairly straightforward to get signal on who wants mentorship on what. In our program, we send out a survey and ask about mentees’ areas of growth and mentors’ strengths.
Image by Liana Dumitru
Based on the survey responses, we match each participant with potential mentors or mentees. How do we do it? If someone says they need mentorship in product thinking, we match them with mentors who identified product thinking as one of their top strengths.
Allow people to get to know each other
One of our core principles for the program is that a mentorship relationship should start with a broad search and with low-commitment, get-to-know-each-other meetings. So, each participant gets three potential mentors or mentees.
We instruct people to do coffee chats with their matches and have lightweight conversations. The goal is to allow participants to get signal on whether or not they feel like they can connect with the other person, and eventually develop a relationship with them.
Once the third coffee chat is done, people either make a commitment to continue meeting with one of their mentors or mentees, or decide they’ll continue the search. When people do make a commitment to a specific person, it’s their responsibility to develop the relationship further.
Photograph by Chris Behroozian
Having run the program at Dropbox for a year now, it has become increasingly clear that mentorship is a relationship, and it requires commitment and trust from both sides. Practically, that means that as a mentor or mentee:
Best practices for mentors
When I started mentoring, I’d spend all my time thinking how I can help my mentee and if he was reaching his goals. Then, one day, he asked me, “Why are you doing this? What’s in it for you?” I didn’t have an answer for him. Not because I didn’t have a motivation, but simply because I hadn’t spent any time clarifying my own objectives.
As a mentor, even before you meet your mentee(s), you should answer these questions:
Then, think about your strengths and how you can help someone. Are you thinking of giving mostly verbal advice? Are you planning on using any coaching frameworks? Do you have any resources you might point your mentee to? Or any opportunities you might suggest?
With all of that in mind, you’re ready for the first meeting. This is a great opportunity to get to know your mentee and see if there’s good rapport between the two of you. In the meeting:
After the first meeting is over, take some time to reflect on the meeting. If you feel that you had good rapport with your mentee and you can provide support, those are great signs that you should continue meeting!
Best practices for mentees
As a mentee, it’s super-important to understand what you’re looking to get out of your mentorship. Before you meet with your mentor, think about your career objectives, development needs, and interest areas. You can ask your manager what they think your areas of improvement are, or look through feedback you’re received in the past to find areas of growth.
Once you’re clear on that, in your first meeting you can focus on understanding if your mentor can help you grow, and if you’re excited to learn from them.
After the first meeting, decide if you’d like to continue meeting or not. If you’re excited about building a relationship with your mentor, reach out and set up a recurring meeting with them.
Mentorship commitment
If you do decide to establish a mentorship relationship, at the beginning of the relationship, both mentors and mentees should discuss the shape of the commitment you’re making.
Mentorship can take many shapes and expand over various timelines. It can have no structure or be highly structured. And it can be short-term and focused or long-term and open-ended.
For designers, craft mentorship tends to be more structured and with a specific duration—for example, improving visual design, with a focus on color and typography, for 6 months. Career mentorship, on the other hand, can be more open-ended and expand over an unlimited amount of time—for example, getting advice on navigating the organization, indefinitely.
Image by Liana Dumitru
“Of course I can learn FramerX! I’ll do it in two weeks!” I thought to myself as the Framer team was giving another presentation about the updated version of the prototyping tool at Dropbox.
But this time I knew better than to learn by myself. I reached out to people who were also interested in learning, and set up a recurring meeting where we could all sit together and learn. And I also talked about it with one my mentors who’s great at prototyping. Having gone through it again, I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt: Yes. It’s fun to learn FramerX. It’s fun and rewarding when you learn it from others, with others.
After having run the design mentorship program at Dropbox for over a year, and seeing dozens of mentorship relationships taking shape, I’m more convinced than ever that there’s so much we can teach and learn from each other. And having a robust mentorship setup in the company helps people improve their skills and advance their careers. Designers who participated in our program told us time and time again how impactful it has been for growing as designers, and as people.
And, as we’re developing mentorship relationships, when we’re lucky, we don’t end up just with good teachers. But also with great friends.
A digital home for all our brand guidelines, that serves as both a super-functional resource and a celebration of our Design team’s creativity, craft, and commitment to pushing boundaries.